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Women's Tennis

Head Coach Zachary Bowers

Primary Communication method is Via Remind
Text code @k72fe8 to 81010 to join

The 2024-2025 Women's tennis season will begin Thursday, August 1 with practice at OGHS taking place Monday-Thursday from 8am to 10am. Tryouts will be August 1st and August 2nd. Players are only required to show up for one of the two tryout days in order to be considered for the team.  Be sure to get your online registration/physicals complete (click the registration/physicals tab above for info) in order to be ready for tryouts on Aug 1! THERE WILL BE NO PRACTICE ON GAME DAYS.


All players will be expected to be at the school no later than 3:30pm on game days.

Rain cancellations will be communicated via Remind.

Beginning August 16th, Practice times will shift to 3:30pm-4:30pm for the remainder of the season.

Game Dates:

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